The Systems Engineering Concept

We believe, think and work with systems engineering. Implementing systems engineering can be complex, therefore we have developed the Systems Engineering Concept®.

Making systems engineering practical and knowing what to do Monday morning. Done by maturation of system requirements and design, continuous stakeholder involvement, system Integration, and information.


Modules for

In a nutshell, it’s all about creating a common language.


Structuring systems and methods to create a common language. Based on the RDS 81346 Standard Series.


System development in terms of integration, requirements, descriptions, stakeholders, and information.


Relating systems across domains, such as design, manufacturing, service, etc.

The Systems Engineering Concept (SEC) is used for developing technical systems of any kind. The concept is rooted in established systems engineering principles and international standards of which we are experts with more than 30 years of experience. An integral part of the concept is the reference designation system that is created by implementing the ISO/IEC (RDS) 81346 Standard Series. The RDS system ensures stakeholders from different technical disciplines can communicate in a common language.

The 3 modules explained


System Structuring Module

Supported by the SEC-Hub

M1 provides the systems thinking methodology and enables you to explicitly define all your systems and requirements to effectively manage the system design through the ISO/IEC 81346 Standard Series.

It enables engineers with different backgrounds to successfully communicate by creating structured non-ambiguous systems that will provide a common language across engineering disciplines. Each discipline will then have a common understanding of the systems under development and all relevant information about it.

M1 will enable a clear and stable definition of your systems and requirements in a standardized language. This robustness ensures clear communication and improves the data integrity and management of your systems throughout their lifecycle.


System Development Module

Supported by the SEC-Hub

M2 develops the systems created in M1 and is a module where we mature all systems in terms of system integration, system requirements, stakeholder management, and information management.

Effective system development depends on the ability to identify stakeholders and mature requirements. Once done a successful system integration requires systematic focus throughout the development by the stakeholders.

Stakeholders are systematically identified and involved during the entire system life-cycle. Throughout the development, input on requirements and system design is critical for the delivery of the right system design.


System Reference Module

Supported by the SEC-Hub

M3 is a radical extension to M1 and M2 as it enables the creation of relations between system structure elements across domains, throughout the product lifecycle.

The system design has a high impact on later life cycle phases, e.g. production or maintenance. Therefore the management of these changes and effects is crucial to have under control.

M3 will help you understand the consequence of a design change, and how variance in product design influences the manufacturing environment.

It pays off to have a common language


…of information is lost after 4 handovers. How many hours do you spend on poor data integrity?

Data integrity

Most organizations spend hours of rework due to poor data integrity from handovers. A common language increases data integrity, which reduces the number of times each employee needs to revisit the information.


Defects are…

…more expensive in the last phases of a project. How much can you save by implementing SEC processes?

Costs to Extract Defects

Extracting defects are very costly, especially if discovered late in the project phase. Based on your project budget and warranty obligations, you can calculate the potential savings by implementing the SEC.


…potential interfaces in a commercial airplane. How many interfaces do you have in your systems?

System integration

Based on our experience 8-22% of all potential interfaces are actual interfaces that need to be fully controlled in order to avoid costly errors.

Calculate your potential savings by being 100% in control of all interfaces in your system design!